Staging instance, all changes can be removed at any time

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Manage filebeat configuration via puppet

Related to T2591

Test Plan

Octocatalog-diff for moma :

*** Running octocatalog-diff on host
I, [2020-09-21T14:17:34.928892 #4635]  INFO -- : Catalogs compiled for
I, [2020-09-21T14:17:36.404154 #4635]  INFO -- : Diffs computed for
diff origin/production/ current/
+ File[/etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "# File managed by puppet - modifications will be lost\nfilebeat....
     "ensure": "present",
     "group": "root",
     "mode": "0644",
     "notify": "Service[filebeat]",
     "owner": "root"
+ File[/etc/filebeat/inputs.d/deposit-non-ssl-access.yml] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "# File managed by puppet - modifications will be lost\n- type: l...
     "ensure": "present",
     "group": "root",
     "mode": "0644",
     "notify": "Service[filebeat]",
     "owner": "root"
+ File[/etc/filebeat/inputs.d/webapp-non-ssl-access.yml] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "# File managed by puppet - modifications will be lost\n- type: l...
     "ensure": "present",
     "group": "root",
     "mode": "0644",
     "notify": "Service[filebeat]",
     "owner": "root"
+ File[/etc/filebeat/inputs.d] =>
   parameters =>
     "ensure": "directory",
     "group": "root",
     "mode": "0755",
     "owner": "root",
     "purge": true
+ Profile::Filebeat::Log_input[deposit-non-ssl-access] =>
   parameters =>
     "fields": {
       "apache_log_type": "access_log"
     "paths": [
+ Profile::Filebeat::Log_input[webapp-non-ssl-access] =>
   parameters =>
     "fields": {
       "apache_log_type": "access_log"
     "paths": [
*** End octocatalog-diff on

Migrated from D3961 (view on Phabricator)

Merge request reports
