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production: Double save-code-now workers

Antoine R. Dumont requested to merge double-savecodenow-workers into production

As a first workaround to congestion, let's increase concurrency. The current number of workers is 5 times less than it was when we used static workers.

make helm-diff
cd swh && ./
Comparing changes between branches production and double-savecodenow-workers...
Switched to branch 'production'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/production'.
Generate config in production branch for values/default.yaml...
Generate config in production branch for values/production-cassandra.yaml...
Generate config in production branch for values/production.yaml...
Generate config in production branch for values/staging-cassandra.yaml...
Generate config in production branch for values/staging.yaml...
Switched to branch 'double-savecodenow-workers'
Generate config in double-savecodenow-workers branch for values/default.yaml...
Generate config in double-savecodenow-workers branch for values/production-cassandra.yaml...
Generate config in double-savecodenow-workers branch for values/production.yaml...
Generate config in double-savecodenow-workers branch for values/staging-cassandra.yaml...
Generate config in double-savecodenow-workers branch for values/staging.yaml...

------------- diff for values/default.yaml -------------

No differences

------------- diff for values/production-cassandra.yaml -------------

No differences

------------- diff for values/production.yaml -------------

--- /tmp/swh-chart.lmmNAnIC/production.yaml.before      2023-06-19 14:00:14.789380764 +0200
+++ /tmp/swh-chart.lmmNAnIC/production.yaml.after       2023-06-19 14:00:15.157380509 +0200
@@ -2808,22 +2808,22 @@
     apiVersion:    apps/v1     # Optional. Default: apps/v1
     kind:          Deployment  # Optional. Default: Deployment
     # Mandatory. Must be in same namespace as ScaledObject
     name:          loader-save-code-now
     # envSourceContainerName: {container-name} # Optional. Default:
                                                # .spec.template.spec.containers[0]
   pollingInterval:  30                         # Optional. Default: 30 seconds
   cooldownPeriod:   300                        # Optional. Default: 300 seconds
-  minReplicaCount:  16
-  maxReplicaCount:  16
+  minReplicaCount:  32
+  maxReplicaCount:  32
   - type: rabbitmq
       name: amqp-authentication-loader-save-code-now
       protocol: auto                 # Optional. Specifies protocol to use,
                                      # either amqp or http, or auto to
                                      # autodetect based on the `host` value.
                                      # Default value is auto.
       mode: QueueLength              # QueueLength to trigger on number of msgs in queue

------------- diff for values/staging-cassandra.yaml -------------

No differences

------------- diff for values/staging.yaml -------------

No differences

Refs. swh/devel/swh-web#4749

Merge request reports
