Add an origin blocking proxy
This proxy prevent registered origins from being visited again. If an origin url is matching a blocking rule, then any attempt to add an Origin, OriginVisit or OriginVisitStatus object targeting this url will be blocked, raising a BlockedOriginException.
This is implemented in a similar fashion than the MaskingProxy, sharing the same management logic as this later.
The url matching rules are, given a checked URL:
check for an exact match in the blocking rules on:
- the given URL
- the trimmed URL (if it has a trailing /)
- the extension-less URL if it ends with a know suffix (eg. '.git')
if no exact match is found, look for the best prefix match on split sub-path urls (aka the longest url match in the blocking rules for which the URL starts with the match, splitting on '/')
on top of !1123 (merged)the blocking matching logic is not working correctly yet, it does not handle the prefix matching on / only (so a blocking rule of say http://myforge/toto will block http://myforge/toto2 which is not the intended behavior).
Related to swh/meta#5088
Edited by David Douard