production: Test swh.graph workload in kubernetes
- graph must run on rancher-node-metal05 (old "met" with sufficient memory and disks)
Add swh/graph=true label to rancher-node-metal05 -
Transfer graph dataset from maxxi to rancher-node-metal05 (zfs snapshot) -
Reference graph.i.s.o & graph-grpc.i.s.o as CNAME (for internal use purposes) -
swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!486 (merged): swh-charts: Add values to start the graph deployment in kube (only prepare the volumes and start nothing) -
Configure kubernetes volumes -
Declare in the chart the persistent volume (and start the service so proper pv gets created) -
Manually mount the zfs dataset in that persistent volume's path mounted in the host machine
swh-charts: Incrementally start the deployment (prepareMemoryVolume: true, startService: true) -
Allow reindexation to happen from the chart -
Investigate further issue ~> old dataset used -
Transfer most recent dataset from granet -
Deploy new graph using the most recent dataset (1 grpc, 1 rpc) -
Checks -
grpc? ok -
rpc? ok
Test graph api through webapp-postgresql instance -
monitoring -
grafana board -
Add blackbox probe
go for production deployment
Clean up old and wrong dataset from the first tryout
Edited by Antoine R. Dumont